Sunday, July 12, 2015

Types of Foundations

There are different types of foundations we use in construction. The selection of foundation type is mainly depending on the loads and the soil condition where the structure going be rested. But if we assume a design for a particular purpose we can calculate the dead load and live load for the structure. But if we are going to build that design in two locations where soil condition is considerably different we will have to use different types of foundations for that structure even the superstructure is the same. Therefore, foundation design always comes with the soil condition at the site.

Foundations are mainly two types that are;

  1. Shallow Foundation 
  2. Deep Foundation    
Shallow Foundations:
  • Strip Footing
  • Pad Foundation
  • Raft Foundation
Deep Foundation:
  • Pile foundations

Strip Footing: These type of foundation applied where soil bearing capacity is very low. So it is required to make the foundation area is wider to reduce the pressure by the building into the soil and spreading it as much as possible. Columns & walls can be rest on these footing. Mostly strip footing required to be reinforced properly. Strip  footing for walls can be made with rubble and bricks as well. 

Pad Foundation: These type of footings use where soil condition is considerably good. Columns of the building going to be supported by these types of foundations. 

Raft Foundation: Rafte foundation is the type of foundation that we build covering the entire area of the building going to be casted with reinforced concrete. Whenever the soil condition is very low and cannot use strip foundation or pad foundation type we will have to use raft foundation. raft foundation is also known as mat foundation. 

Pile foundation:  Foundations that are driven until the bedrock or considerably deep till it finds a better soil condition to have the building rest on it are called pile foundation. There are different types of pile foundations. 
  • Bearing piles
  • Friction piles
  • Bearing & friction piles    
Recommendation: Whenever we design a foundation, we should refer the soil investigation report and loads of the structure. See here    


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